So we just did two shows with the smashers and The creep show, and needless to say, it was unreal time. Matt thanx again for all the booze in MTL and all the beers in T.O. Roach thank you for letting us crash at your pad, your a fuckn Riot!@! OH shit and one final thanx goes out to our good fuckn buddy Jason for letting us party so hard on his b day...your the man.
It all started in the back row of dank theatre in the legendary Seaway Mall. The year was 1999, and our characters were all lined up, sitting there, as if waiting for something other than the feature presentation. As if they were waiting to take the next step into the rest of their lives. "Let's start a band!" That famous line that many of us have heard numerous times had been blurted out, and those worthy enough, answered the call. The Muff Ticklers were born! First Assignment: Go home and think of what instrument you..d like to play, keeping in mind going to have to learn how to play it first. A few weeks had passed and the boys had tickled so many muffs they had to change their name to The Snips.